the election poll

i got kicked out of the scouts for eating brownies!

but i got the same answer from several blacks almost verbatim. its seems like they are hearing it somewhere.

your missing a couple words to complete this thought.

I;m not bashing you it just doesn;t make sense

i don’t think its a black thing either…i think its just that most minorities are democrats.

I’m a independant & there are things i like & dislike about both parties, but i’m voting for the betterment of my life and on my moral beliefs.
personally my pic for pres would be McCain or another term of clinton.

I think bush has done a lot of bad things & i’m tired of it.

sorry…my typo…i fixed it

here one for you to ponder…

how come the church wouldn’t let kerry take comunion cause he is pro abortion…
the church will let you take comunion from a pedifile??

not all priests are pedophiles

no problem I thought thats what it was saying.

Anyways answer most commonly given: Kerry is the Devil :finger:

as a white male i’m a minority, i have no grievence. i can’t say i’m black gimmie a job, i can;'t say i’m a woman gimmie a job. i can’t say i’m old gimmie some money, i can’t say i’m poor gimmie some money. i’m tired of hearing about oppresion.

i can see you thinking that…i think its that a lot of people feel the same way.

its not that they really like Kerry…its just that they are tired of bush and want a change.

is Kerry the best Democratic cadidate…yes? no? maybe? who knows…but by the governments systemhe is/was (got selected in the primaries)…so we have to go with it.

your crazy bro…

is it easier being a white male then it is being a minority…9 times out of 10…yes

the reson most blacks are democrates is because generally demecrats give more free money to the lowlifes IE assholes who abused welfare and so forth. So they are against any republican.

So for cutty’s answer they are basically unable to form an actual argument that wouldn’t show that all they are concerned about is their monthly check.

Sorry if that seems cold, but I have seen and delt with it first hand while getting shot at to help people. When more than bitch tell you you have to save her fetus because she’ll get more money from the governemet it kinda irritates the hell out of you. And its NOT an isolated incident.

These people are the democrates.

African american’s who actually work and are successful are either republican or indpendant because they can make an actual Case for their canidate.

Cutty I hope that sort of explains the canned remarks you are getting.

tired of bush why? cause rappers make up lies in their songs and they believe it.

i’m a white male too, and i have it pretty fucking easy. i know i will make more than an equally qualified woman, and i know that i have a better chance of getting a job than a black guy.

is that fair? hell no.

but i’m sure as hell not going to care when a woman, or any minority, complains that i have it easier.

you know why?

i DO have it easier. and so do you, bob.

you don’t have to worry about being pulled over in a predominantly white suburb any time there is a crime.

a former coworker of mike was from Rwanda. They pulled him over in Franklin Park several times a WEEK. He was a college student, with a practically invisible car (Ford Taurus), who never did anything illegal, and worked two jobs to pay his tuition. He never got a ticket, but he was always pulled over. Do you think it might have been because he was black?

the election is fuckin rigged… the nevada gaming comission is the electoral college… they have the president picked out, 20 years in advance

SightNSound, you’re a fucking idiot.

“Blacks are Democrats because that’s where they get their welfare”?

Listen to some more Limbaugh.

bush hasn’t done ANYTHING to this country that wasn’t already fucked up.

kerry hasn’t done ANYTHING to make himself commendable… he’s a dumbass douchebag that says anything to get people to like him… he’s playing the american public and people don’t realize. :wtf:

I dont care who you vote for, all politicians hate minorities.

The first thing theyre thinking when theyre facing a crowd of them is “Niggers, and Jews, and Spics, OH MY!”

that was not meant to offend

I think your wrong…i know a lot of sucessful minorties that are Democrats.

…and at this piont…independants are voting for kerry, for the reason i just stated earler…only person who has a chance to beat bush.

and what do you call overlooking all the fucked up stuff bush has done…is he not pulling the wool over your eyes…??..or are you just ignoring it?? accepting it as ok???

even sharpton & leiberman??