the election poll

hey fuck face did you read the rest or stop in the middle. Yes the asshole black cutty is talking about are democrates because of what is stated. But I guess thats ok because you free load off your parents so you could care less.

Me on the other hand I’m sick of my fucking tax dollars going to support those fucked up programs.

Sorry if you don;t like the truth asshole maybe do somthing more than deliver pizzas and cause problems and you can see some of this shit first hand instead of thinking your all mighty IQ is more than enough to go by…

Look at me I didn’t pay attention in school because my IQ is off teh charts…
Look at me I got kicked out of the Boy scouts for playing atari…
Look at me I have been arrested xx amount of times…


without opening a can of worms… when you become a politician, you automatically become a middle aged ignorant white man

what world u live in, they need to meet quotas. there are many unqualified women cops because of quotas. you gotta be a step better as a white male to get a job over a women or minority.

i do have to worry about getting pulled over because of the kinda car i have because of the reputation BLACKS gave it. They have no one to blame but their own. maybe the so called uncle toms should not be embarrased by that but embrace it and stand up against the trash.

that actually made me laugh… :smiley:

i agree with bob on the white man being the minority these days when i was at my last job they laid off 15 people in one day all with the same position all with the same pay and white males… the people that got to stay…a 55 year old man, a 40 year old openly gay woman, and the black guy…corp. america is scared to make a move because of all the naacp and gay rights groups… why is it that when black people and gays get to gether is a protest but when white guys get to gether its a kkk ralley

fuck affirmitive action

just because your black, you dont deserve 15 extra points

X2 thats bullshit thats why…

any organization that would come about to stick up for us would be “to opress the the black male” :rolleyes: I don’t care what color ur skin is, get out and get your own cause i’m gonna get mine.

Voted for Kerry…

To one of you Bush supporters…I’m glad my vote cancelled yours…you dont deserve a vote anyway

To all of you Bush supporters…thank you for helping to ruin the country I love… :blanyer:

my parents don’t give me a cent. what the fuck are you talking about?

i guess my mom did offer to make me some soup today when i stopped over to fix her PC… i’m a fucking parasite… :jerkit:

that’s your right. i think the welfare system needs extreme reform.

lol… i was mugged by two black kids last january delivering pizzas to the projects. do i hold it against every poor black kid? no. it could have just as easily been two pieces of white trash who mugged me.

i’ve seen a lot… the problem your kind has is associating any black criminal with his race, but when a white guy kills his wife and kids, you don’t say “someone has to do something about those fucking crackers”.

if you want to make this personal, and you want to compare yourself to me, hire a tutor and a dietician.

we don’t deserve to vote? I think you are in the wrong county with that attitude.

maybe you are looking for a dictator ship, I think there is some middle easter country that is looking for citizens.

i don’t believe this unless your getting hired by a minority.
we just did statistics here for the Provost & deans on women faculty who held adminstrative postions (dean, department chair, etc…)…and the numbers are Disgusting …and if you look at hispanic & black its the same way…
and that just here…its everywhere

and you mean Niggaz…not blacks…its different…to most white people there is no difference but there is…niggaz come in all colors, white, black, red, brown, yellow & they give eveyone else a bad name.

if blacks would reform their people from acting like animals, people wouldn’t be skeptical towards everyone. if i go through a day and see 100 black guys, atleast 85 of them are dressed like garbage. Its not individuality that makes them dress like that its a uniform to say look at me i’m a thug.

i think he was being facetious :doh:

first off your the one with the idot comments you fucking piece of shit. You coming to BWW tonight. I would love for you to run your mouth up there like you do on here. Oh wait you won’t You’ll sit in your chair quiet as a church mouse as usual…

Don’t run your mouth on here if your not prepared to do it in person. Which you are not.

And before Kurt comes crying in here this has nothing to do with a physical confronatation. I’m talking verbally. People run their mouths but can’t say shit to other people’s faces.


like what?

i don’t blame bush for the war one bit… all that bullshit from the clinton era was snowballing… the UN is garbage and clinton just tossed them the keys for years and let it go… i think that bush came into office and got fucked with 9/11 and has been trying to ‘make it right’ ever since… personally i think he’s doing a decent job, sure some shit should be different… but we aren’t playing Risk over Crumpets in London… it’s the real world where some choices need tobe rushed into… IMO

granted some tax reform would be nice and some healtcare / ss issues… but bush is fighting a war and trying to ‘fight terrorism’… if he started doing something else he’d be labeled as a quitter or not productive enough…

that’s exactly what he means… skin color is BS… just like (umm car related) domestic vs. import… if it’s fast it’s fast… PERIOD. :mrT: