although Bush may not be the smartest

No, you are just ripping the current president with total lack of respect and lack of knowledge of what his choices are cause you aren’t privileged to that information. Make all the quotes you want from T.V. or media that’s proclaiming to speak the trust…

You said ask Bill how he’s doing as President… How the fuck does he know… he doesn’t have all the facts, he’s not privileged to see all the information Bush does? He can only assume to do what he thinks he would do based on his assumptions… It’s the whole principal how do you know what you will do until you are given the same information as the president. You don’t, that’s my whole point how can you criticize what he’s doing without knowing all the facts… STFU and sit down, support your president, if you don’t like him don’t vote for him next term.

Hahaha… 1510 SAT… wow we should make you president… STFU if you snapped at that you better keep to the tanning salons and pizza delivery, it only gets worse…

How do you know that, you can’t say that for sure, it’s yet another example of how you proclaim to know it all… You can’t say that it would of been better cause it’s NOT fucking possible to know, you can only make mass assumptions.

You make your decisions in life and shit falls where it does and you move on hoping to learn something in the process and trying not to make the same mistakes over and over…

I’m a Democrat, and I think Bush is doing a pretty good job of things. Prior to 9/11, I too felt that he was pretty much a country bumpkin and not smart enough to be in the big house. His actions since 9/11 have caused me to change my mind. I don’t always agree with him and his plan, but so it goes. He’s true to his beliefs, right or wrong. Hard to ask more than that. Kerry…tough call as to where he lies on being true to his beliefs. First he was, then he wasn’t…he’s not a leader, he just happens to be a politician. And make sure you differentiate between “not being a leader” and you just not being lead where you want to go. You can’t always have it your way, but strength and conviction are still obvious. Bush is a stoic, steadfast leader. Not bigtiem, he’s not the likes of Churchill, Thatcher, Kennedy or Reagan(all great leaders, love em or hate em) but he’s got a pretty solid foundation.

So W drank, partied and scored a some booty? Waaaa, who hasn’t. And for the record, I have no issues AT ALL with the President getting a bj in the white house. Small potatoes. A perk of power if you will. Who better? It’s the breaking of marriage vows that pisses me off. Being a Dem doesn’t necessarily mean you’re without morals and conviction and faith. It just looks that way.

you people act like the president actually runs the country…

i’m not defending bush but clinton WAS impeached

I don’t think i was as dumb as the new freshmen that we have this year when i started school and they’re supposed to have 1200 and up SAT scores. All they are good for is Titts and Ass! I think its close to 2:1 girl guy ratio this year.

well i ment fully removed from office.

and he was indicted…can my man at least get a defense lawyer

its gotta be rough to sit on the stand with no defense and the prosecution ripping into you

It’s a known fact that when Ronald Reagan was in office, he told his vice president (Bush Sr) to “keep your dope smoking, alcholic idiot of a son the fuck away from me”. I believe it was somewhere in the Reagan auto-biography… If a well respected president, probably the most respected since Kennedy (yeah yeah yeah, I know about Reagan-omics and all that shit, nobody is perfect) says that he doesnt want him around, I take that to heart that he knew what he was talking about… I don’t agree with Bush, and it is my god-given right that if I do not agree with him, that I will voice my opinion on it. My theory is that if you are doing a bad job and I think that you are, then I’m going to tell you about becuase if I don’t, you will just continue to do that bad job without any ramifications or reprimands. Thats like saying, since your an cardiac surgeon and are under alot of stress that if you fuck up my triple bypass, people should just let it slide because you have a very stressful job… :bsflag:

Also, I’m a senior at Pitt, and the freshman do seem to be getting more and more stupid… But then again, the freshman girls are still cute, so that counts for something. Usually, the smarter kids with the super high SAT’s are ones that had no social skills and participated in no extra-carricular activities in high school, and therefore know nothing more about the “real world” other than what they read thru a textbook… My boss has a bachelors from Pitt in Poly Sci and Econ, while my uncle has his doctorate in business from Bucknell and Penn State, and you know what, my boss would whoop my uncles ass ALL OVER the business world because he has real world experience and knowledge, something that you can’t aquire by having your nose in a book all the time…

I had a 1310 SAT in high school, but I believe that the majority of my intelligence comes from being out and having fun with my friends, playing 4 sports, and not being a completel and total bookworm at all times… But thats just me.

Bump, 'cause i think it’s funny as shit that you think SATs mean anything to anyone. OoHhhH… 1510 and going to Harvard? $5 says Harvard could care less… They look for people, not numbers.
