president bush is a complete fucktart

he goes to war with a country he thinks has wmd (Iraq) and ignores another country who says they are making nukes and are a communist country ( North Korea)

today, NK said they have made nukes and are thinking about testing them, but bush is too wrapped up in the middle east. Good move bush, way to be on top of things.


waste of bandwidth? NK and Iran are next on the list

I hope not - either of them will be 100x harder than our fuckup in Iraq

I think that is why he is calming down a bit. I think him or atleast the people surrounding him realize they have to approch this stuff a different way.

nuke the entire middle east. end of story

:gives: :blah: :blah: :blah: :1320: nuke all the FORDS


whatever… i don’t even want to get into it.

sissy, i’m in the middle of a very slow day :smiley:

i’m not or i would.

just bullshit though… as if there weren’t wmd’s over there :rolleyes:

i hate people just say the exact opposite of waht a republican says just to stir controversy… bubba was all for going to war with afga and he just sat on his ass… when bush did everyone was against it… bubba was all for SS reform… now, all democrats are against it… wtf??? there are sound clips from the clinton days where democrats are stressing the need for reform, and there are current day clips with democrats saying we don’t need reform and bush is trying to scare everyone.

politics is bullshit

as if iraq didn’t need taken care of :rolleyes:

I kew you would respond :slight_smile:

I agree politics is fucked up

Why would you take care of iraq when iran and NK were both farther along in weapons programs than iraq, I just don’t get that. Yea, Saddam was a moron, but a relatively harmless moron compared to the other freaks.

saddam was not harmless… at all… you know that fucker was the one supplying most of the weapons to those countries… he was taking advantage of every country he had ties in and the bullshit UN.

i think he was the top contender who needed to go down… ontop of that, obviously 911 was the reason to get off our ass and do something… the mere fact taht so many ‘terrorists’ fled to iraq when we went to afghan shows that they thought that was the ‘safest’ place to go, because saddam didn’t do shit but harbor the ‘terrorists’.

i mean, it’s lead by example… what should of happened was that many other countries should realize we went to war to rid this shit from the Earth… not from america… but UN+ diplomacy + money = countries not on our side… if we had the backing we could take care of all these bullshit third world shitholes threatening the saftey of everyone on earth… obviously not the case.

NK and iran are coming up… no doubt.

why is nk not an immediate priority because NK isn’t gonna do shit to upset russia, china, or india. they can handle that for us for a few more years. it’ll grow, but it’ll be kept in check.

who’s gonna stop those crazy towelhead terrorist? greece? italy? israel? the UN? nope, just us.

the thought of some crazy fucking korean guy with his finger on a button worries me FAR more than Saddam and his petty bullshit. He’s pulled some stunts in the past, but in the grand scheme of history he isnt really all that horrid. He’s actually behaved himself pretty well in the last 10 years.

Afg was ok. That would have been an adequate respone to 9/11. most of the world supported us in that. Iraq was too much. We were given an inch and took a mile. I mean seriously, we conquered two countries inside of 3 years. Thats almost a country a year average. Now people are talking about Iran EXACTLY the way they talked about Iraq once shit seemed to be going farily well in Afghanistan. Its retarded. People will look back on this time in history as a huge blunder for the US. We are so far in debt its not even funny, and Bush just keeps raising the national debt cap. Social Security is gonna go bankrupt. Global warming and world overpopulation are looming over us. And all the govermnent/the majority of americans care about is busting potheads, abortion, gay marraige, and fighting the “WAR ON TERROR!!11one”.


It took you this long to find that out ? You got all them fucks that voted for him when we could of got him out of office? so 4 more year’s and we are going to be in worst shape then as we are now… I say impeach his ass and put kerry in there

:lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: before this gets any dumber

dude… saddam wasn’t ‘petty’

and North Korea isn’t going to start anything and screw up because of pressure from china, germany, hong kong, singapore… they aren’t going to be fucking around too much… it’s just because kim jong was feeling the heat because no one wants to bargin with him during the six party talks …

global warming is bullshit and world population is not controlled by the US president.

during clinton all democrats were all for ss reform… right? so now that bush is actually doing something and not talking about it every democrat is against it? … bush even said during the union he was open to any logical idea or plan from any party for a reform (que john kerry’s awesome solutions for everything)… i do’nt know man, to me, it seems like democrats just take the opposition of republican ideas no matter what the issue is…


what about what your government did…

after 911…all flights grounded except for the one to fly the bush’s saudi friends & bin ladins out of teh country…

what was up with that??

I’m not accusing them of having anything to do with it, but they would be the first people i would want to bring in for questioning…not send out of the country?

the bush-saudi relationship is just way too shady IMO

and on the NK note…i think they are more of a threat then iraqh