Attn: Bush Sackriders

Even Bush is admitting that he fucked up. :rofl:

Good it’s about time.

I’ll agree, but I really don’t think it’s to be laughed about.

I fucking hate the man, but we can’t root for him to fail. The fact that he owned up to dropping the ball shouldn’t be laughed at. I think it’s one of the few honourable things he’s done.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You really think that he’s taking responsibility out of the goodness of his heart?

and :rofl: @ saying Bush and honorable in the same sentence.


that puts him a higher than DS…

DS can never admit he is wrong and always has an excuse…

i know… i just wanted to see how it rolled off the tongue…

whether it’s PR or not, it’s the right thing to do.

i still don’t understand the concept of a single person taking blame for a natural disaster… just blows my mind

i think we should blame the person that categorized hurricanes… the hurricanes have been hated on for years now… all the lil cat 3’s getting picked on, well they sent in the big brother cat 5 to kick some ass.


I think there are a whole shitload of people that should be standing up taking responsibility for screwing things up long before Bush as I personally think it’s a joke that the president gets blamed (and gets credit) for anything/everything that goes on. The residents of the entire coastal area knew damn well they lived in an area that was susceptible to hurricanes. Residents of New Orleans knew damn well or at least the ones with any common sense whatsoever knew they lived in a friggin fishbowl waiting for someone to turn on the tap water. Now assuming the sheep weren’t smart enough/capable of leaving on their own, their immediate local authorities should have had plans to deal with things. On top of that, the next level of government should have had plans, and so on and this is still just within the State government level, nothing with which Bush should or could have had a hand in. For gods sake people the president cannot have contingency plans for everything everywhere all at once. Sure in the end hindsight is always 20/20, but even at that what exactly should/could Bush have done differently? Where’s all the moron local authorities in all this? People screwed up big time on the lower levels and it worked it’s way up. Sorry for my rant for those who actually get through it.

No one ever said he didn’t mess up but he shouldn’t take all the blame.


sorry, just trying to speak as stupid as you sound.


darkstar can suck a cock… independent liberal = no conception of reality… you just like to argue like the rest of us

bush >

fuck bush, he needs to resign

a person can be smart but people are stupid

or resign whichever comes first

or it means that the democrats are almost as loathsome as the republicans…

Your hatred for Bush is getting old, and the fact that you have to post about it 20 times a day puts me to sleep. :zzz:

no… it means pointless, perpetual opposition

democrats … republicans… same thing… the government basically sucks