Its official, W is fucking crazy...;_ylt=At.awraoTi_ghQilssN_mjas0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-


what a character

“if” that is true, that would be pretty damn funny.


cool. well god must not drive often, cause if so then maybe he’dve told him to lower the fucking gas prices too…what a cock, fuck bush :madfawk: :tool: :tool: :tool: :greddy2: :reloading :bash:

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

LOL. He sounds more and more like the Arabs, saying that “God” told them to fly planes into our buildings, to bomb places, etc…

He’s a fuckin loony and needs to go

bush is on a Jihad :rofl:

OMG, he has to be the dumbest person on the planet, does he realise on just how many levels how stupid and irresponsible that was???

jimmy carter?

for real when you talk to children you talk in baby talk… when you talk to crazy ass zealots, you talk like a crazy ass zealot :dunno:

Amen. Know your audience, identitfy/relate to it. Not so outlandish, really.

He may not be smart, but there’s some smart muthafuckas pulling his marionette strings.

lol most people who posted about this thread really do know nothing about religion.

FYI: God telling him to do something doesn’t mean some voice called out him. He prayed about it and did what God told him to do as in feelings not a voice.

do i really give a fuck about what you say pertaining to god? No i could really give a flying fuck less about your views on religion. And who the fuck are to to say how “god” talks to someone? I mean are you gods best friend? Are you even a minister, a preacher, or some other religious leader? I dont think so. So shut your fuckin mouth and go read another verse asshole.

listen oppie your ignorance is so great that don’t even research your debate before you open your mouth.

honestly we dont care to hear about you and youre religion beliefs. if you care about it great but dont preach to the ppl that dont care to hear about it. thats whats wrong with alot of you ppl. keep it to your fucking selves. and you of all ppl got alot of balls to call names like that. for sake youre a fucking emochild

well why are posts like this made? I don’t want to see how stupid darkstar thinks religion is but he preaches it anyway. I was simply clearing up what the President based his decision on not preaching.

Have you ever seen me? Do you know what a Emo person looks like? If you answer yes to both you are a moron for calling me an emochild…PS I am 25 and far from a child. And I don’t listen to emo. I do listen to post hardcore, hardcore, and what could only be catagorized as alternative

ive seen you and you are what you are

hardcore and religious freak :rolleyes: make up your mind what you want to be

your right because the two can’t go together. have you never heard of underoath or better yet ZAO?