Taxes, Clinton vs Bush

It’s funny how many times I hear people crying about how Bush is cutting taxes for the rich and the middle class are paying for it. I got this in an email today and actually looked at the tax tables to verify it.

Taxes under Clinton 1999 Taxes under Bush 2008
Single making 30K - tax $8,400 Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $14,000 Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $23,250 Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K - tax $16,800 Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $21,000 Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $38,750 Married making 125K - tax $31,250

Both democratic candidates will return to the higher tax rates.

It is amazing how many people that fall into the categories above think Bush is screwing them and Bill Clinton was the greatest President ever. If Obama or Hillary are elected, they both say they will repeal the Bush tax cuts and a good portion of the people that fall into the categories above can’t wait for it to happen. This is like the movie The Sting with Paul Newman; you scam somebody out of some money and they don’t even know what happened.

all this political BS is really getting annoying… are you guys getting PAID to spew out this BS?

Sorry, I’ll let you get back to 2 girls 1 cup, that’s much more important than “political BS”.

k thanx…

I like that you didn’t post the corrected numbers. But the purpose of your post is still accurate

Except that silly war in Iraq which is why this country is going into the shitter.



I looked at the tables on and it seemed to line up?

Care to elaborate?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just noticed the link at the top. Here are the corrected numbers:

And even the corrected numbers show you’re paying less in taxes under Bush.

here we go, hang on!

fantastic, but absolutely everything else in the economy is butt fucked now, people we know are getting fucked up in the war he started (not saying I dont agree with it, whole other topic there), we’re trillions of dollars in debt, and to put us further in debt hes giving everyone $600?

whoopdie do.

We’re really not paying less taxes, all we’re doing is deferring them for later. Smart move politically, horrible move economically. We have a massive war debt to pay for, the first real war ever that we haven’t raised taxes for. No wonder most people don’t give a shit, they’re not paying for it.

In case you forgot, we have a democratic congress and they played a key part in that $600. For once republican and democrat came together and passed a bad plan. Actually, we don’t know if it’s a bad plan yet but I think it will be. Check back 6 months after everyone gets their check and see if it did anything. Better yet, check back 2 years after that when we’re paying for that deficit spending we did to pay for the stimulus.

The economy is fucked because of the housing colapse, something neither the left nor the right had anything to do with. Despite the same old line Rubicant pitches in every economics thread, the war has little to do with our economic problems right now. The economy was growing and strong during the war and took a turn for the worse because of the housing market. Would I love to see the war end tomorrow so we could spend that money elsewhere? Of course. But just pulling out and letting it all go to shit does no one any good. It’s ironic that Joe says the tax cuts are bad because we’re pushing debt off into the future but supports pulling out of Iraq, which only pushes off going back into Iraq off into the future.

Then add in to this mix ethanol scewing up the supply chain for our basic food crops plus higher diesel prices and prices go up. Ethanol is another one of those cases where the left and right came together and both made the wrong decision.

yea you’re right, I was just saying people I care about getting hurt in a war he started and failed to maintain properly = puts him on my shitlist. and because this thread lacks irony so far - im joining the army lol.

You’re right, and I’ll admit it, Bush managed this war poorly and took a real long time to recognize it. It’s on the right course now though and one the key supporters of the new direction was none other than McCain. I know Hillary and Obama are trying to convince America that Bush is running again because that’s who they know they can beat, but he’s not. McCain is a whole lot different than Bush and even Obama admitted it.

Since, ethanol is driving up corn prices we can end those ridiculous grain subsidies and save billions of dollars per year.

Umm well when people decide to raise their right hand and join the service and then ship off to fight a war…chances are they minght get hurt. Anyhow i thought you already signed up? What is holding you up? Damn you should say i recruited you i think i get like 3k or something.

Having to pay back the massive amount that you already borrowed is a certainty. A country in civil war that can’t get their shit together enough to agree on a stable government being a threat to us any time in even the distant future is not.

It looks like I would have paid about $1000 more under clinton, since my taxable is somewhere between 50 and 75. Those rates got us the biggest surplus in history. $1000 less got us the biggest deficit.

It’s OK though, I’m sure McCain’s proposal to cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%, while continuing to support the war, won’t make the problem worse or anything. After all, corporations don’t make any money right? I’m sure the little guy and loans from china can make up for it.

^ And I’m sure raising taxes on those corporations will fix the economy right up. Corporations don’t pass their costs down to the little guy or anything.

Just so you guys know my parents might be throwing me a welcome home fourth of july party and everyone in this thread is invited. WTF does this have to do with anything you say? Well in a short i want to see you guys have these discussions intoxicated possibly with foam bats.

we need the sumo wrestling and/or jousting thing. And raising corporate taxes at this time is debatable but lowering them shouldn’t even enter the discussion. spending wisely, which obviously left this administration long ago > tax and spend > don’t tax but spend anyway.