anti -bush story

Bush Took My Job& Killed My Sons

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak my mind. I lost my job this past year. When Clinton was president I was secure and prosperous, but in the last year, we had to close our operations. We simply could not compete with foreign labor. This foreign labor worked for low pay under very bad conditions.

They worked very long shifts, and many even died on the job.

This competition could hardly be called “fair.” I was forced out of the place where I had worked for 34 years.

Not a single government program was there to help me.

How can Bush call himself “compassionate?” Far worse, I lost two of my sons in Bush’s evil war in Iraq. They gave their lives for their country, and for what? So that Bush’s oil buddies can get rich. My pain of losing my sons is indescribable.

While it is trivial next to the loss of my sons, I regret to say that I also lost my home. I simply have nothing left. How can Bush call himself a Christian when he neglects people like me? I am a senior citizen with various medical problems. I’m not in a position where I can begin a new career. I was reduced to the point where I had to live in a hole in a ground, all because of President Bush.

And when the authorities found me there, did they have any compassion for my misfortune and ailments? No, I was arrested. Mr. Bush, I dare you to look me in the face and tell me you are a compassionate man! I dare you to look me in the face and tell me you are a Christian! If I had any money left, I would donate it to the Democratic Party.

If Al Gore had been elected in 2000 I would still have a job, a home, and most importantly, my dear sons!

Saddam Hussein


Originally posted by Gnocide
Bush Took My Job& Killed My Sons

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak my mind. I lost my job this past year. When Clinton was president I was secure and prosperous, but in the last year, we had to close our operations. We simply could not compete with foreign labor. This foreign labor worked for low pay under very bad conditions.

They worked very long shifts, and many even died on the job.

This competition could hardly be called “fair.” I was forced out of the place where I had worked for 34 years.

Not a single government program was there to help me.

How can Bush call himself “compassionate?” Far worse, I lost two of my sons in Bush’s evil war in Iraq. They gave their lives for their country, and for what? So that Bush’s oil buddies can get rich. My pain of losing my sons is indescribable.

While it is trivial next to the loss of my sons, I regret to say that I also lost my home. I simply have nothing left. How can Bush call himself a Christian when he neglects people like me? I am a senior citizen with various medical problems. I’m not in a position where I can begin a new career. I was reduced to the point where I had to live in a hole in a ground, all because of President Bush.

And when the authorities found me there, did they have any compassion for my misfortune and ailments? No, I was arrested. Mr. Bush, I dare you to look me in the face and tell me you are a compassionate man! I dare you to look me in the face and tell me you are a Christian! If I had any money left, I would donate it to the Democratic Party.

If Al Gore had been elected in 2000 I would still have a job, a home, and most importantly, my dear sons!

Saddam Hussein


truth hurts guys…lol

Originally posted by slowcamaro
truth hurts guys…lol

hmmm, actually i would consider it to be extremely rude and tasteless to the families of the 500+ americans who have died so far in this somewhat unfounded war.

i found 500 protesters in pittsburgh the night war broke out:rolleyes:

funny thing is you see a couple hundred protestors but no rallies supporting the war

because unlike stupid hippies we have jobs and don’t have time to march around in the middle of the day. i mean who’d work the MTO counter at Sheetz if i left???

Originally posted by Darkstar
hmmm, actually i would consider it to be extremely rude and tasteless to the families of the 500+ americans who have died so far in this somewhat unfounded war.
unfounded on the basis of what? WMD? The way I look at it, we got rid of an evil dictator that tortured and killed his own people. Plus we sent a message to other countries not to mess with the US. Win/win situation.

Originally posted by rookee
funny thing is you see a couple hundred protestors but no rallies supporting the war

because unlike stupid hippies we have jobs and don’t have time to march around in the middle of the day. i mean who’d work the MTO counter at Sheetz if i left???

MTO :bowdown:

which one you work at?

another sub dude

but not a jackoff like the other dude :smiley:

Originally posted by Black_WS6
unfounded on the basis of what? WMD? The way I look at it, we got rid of an evil dictator that tortured and killed his own people.

Plus we sent a message to other countries not to mess with the US. Win/win situation.

While i support the war, so to speak, i think that more diplomatic avenues should have been exhausted before sending in ground troops. The death of thousands of people is never a good thing, no matter how you look at it. Yes, Saddam was a horrid dictator, but he DID NOT pose the immenent threat that the Bush administration used as its excuse to start this whole mess. And i disagree with the “we sent a message” bullshit. Look at Israel/Palestine. The israeli’s could wipe ever palestinian off the face of the planet in a day, but does that stop them from lighting off another suicide bomb? Hell no. These people cant be reasoned with. They dont have the same value for life as our society does. If we choose to take the route of violence, sure we would eventually win, but at what cost?

bottom line is, we got rid of an evil fucker and the shit WAS unilateral (england, poland, and a host of middle eastern regimes)… we had to go in eventually. Russia sent them arms, shipments arrived the week b4 the war, Russia would always veto any UN action and if one of the big dogs vetoes, it doesn’t happen.

odd we killed 8000 Iraqis to liberate them

bush sucks

Originally posted by thefranchise
odd we killed 8000 Iraqis to liberate them

bush sucks
preach on!! fuck him

Originally posted by thefranchise
odd we killed 8000 Iraqis to liberate them

bush sucks

could the 8000 possibly be irag army???

Originally posted by thefranchise
odd we killed 8000 Iraqis to liberate them

bush sucks
yeah 8000 Saddam supporters.

why do people think war is supposed to be perfect now, like no one is supposed to get killed. sure those are 500 people that are no longer with us but that man killed millions. we lost like 50 thousand + in vietnam. :confused:

Originally posted by thefranchise
odd we killed 8000 Iraqis to liberate them

bush sucks

:rolleyes: oooooooo kaaaaay

Originally posted by Cutty
why do people think war is supposed to be perfect now, like no one is supposed to get killed. sure those are 500 people that are no longer with us but that man killed millions. we lost like 50 thousand + in vietnam. :confused:

since when is the US in the business of liberating dictatorships?

shit i bet you think Sadaam is the only dictator that killed a couple thousand people. (btw he didnt kill millions) why arent we in SE Asia still were millions on millions were slaughterd by Kmer Rouge or in Africa or in fookin Cuba for all that matters as its a mere 90 miles off shore and the ass in power has killed, oppressed and murdered thousands in our own back yard.

we are not supposed to wage offensive wars; only defensive. and if history tells you anything you never wage a war without global support.