This was on the news the other day…probably the only worthwhile thing i got from that wasted hour. T-up to the smartass military.
almost spit out my cheerios seeing that.I’m going to print out at work and hang up
lol lol
this kinda thing pisses me off about politics. One stupid slip up and real issues are obscured in a media frenzy of whining, bitching, shock, awe, etc.
If i hear the words “millionare jack davis” one more time, i’m going to kill someone.
People with brains know who they will vote for well in advance. Didn’t i read somewhere that televised political ads are geared toward an 8th grade level? The retards are running the country. You should need to pass an IQ test to vote. Democracy doesn’t work.
LMAO, that’s amazing.
No. DIRECT Democracy (can’t) doesn’t work. It’s true the country is full of idiots, but like them or not, the people running this place on BOTH sides of the political fence are NOT idiots. Well, except maybe Al Sharpton and Ted Kennedy. :bloated:
You know education. If you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well, and if you don’t you get stuck in Iraq.
ironically, it’s true. i’d say more than half the people i know who went into the military are dumb shits who had nothing else going for them, except maybe some trashy broad they knocked up and need to father her exceptionally ugly child.
not all, but a lot.
<3 :suckoff:
When I first heard the story on the news I was shocked that he said it but right after that I told my wife “He’s telling the truth.”
No not every person in the armed forces is a dummy. My cousin is in the Air Force and he is very intelligent and I admire his dedication. But a lot of the kids from my hometown were the ones who worked for their dad’s construction business and still showed up at high school parties 4 years after graduating sans a college degree.
it just frustrates me how this is even newsworthy… i mean, with the internet, everything is news, but they devoted almost 30% of a newscast to this shit… Because the GOP turns it into a huge blasphemy…
Yeah I love this thing! It is so true what he said though…and I am with Mike and newman on this one…
and dmoffitt how do you not include GW in with those two…at least Kennedy…oh wait I knwo you voted for him TWICE…thus making you an idiot.