Tire & Rim opinions

My friend just bought the 2009 corolla S. He wants an alloy wheel with a decent tire. Could not find anything for a reasonable price online, or that I thought would look ok. His car is the Blue Streak Metallic…ideas?

17" Wheel

Tire needs to be something for daily driving, nothing race oriented.

Thanks in advance.


That is the exact car for reference. No need for lowering comments.

nvrmd I thought all “economy” car (sport trim) these days came with 17’s stock

yea…no. It has all seasons on it with stock rims. He wants something different.

20" wheels
ohh and chrome/… :slight_smile:
Let me know…ill let them go cheap.

I’m assuming he wants a sportier summer rim, and keep the stock one for winter driving. I could be wrong though…

Does this friend of your want to look sporty, or mad ghetto thug chrommez?

ghetto thug chromezz or a sportier look?

Sounds to me like he should find what he wants on his own, unless you are looking for something used…?

sporty…new or used