TNC Radio Now Online!!!

Hey guys.

Just wanted to let everyone know that ive been working with a friend of mine from mexico and we have been puting together a radio station for the forums.

Also made a feature for the forums so its easy to use. This way you can listen to music while on the forums Using, Winamp or Windows media player. or just on the forums by cliking a button… We will be adding all kinds of streaming music also we will be making some comercials and event reminders. so that if your listening you can find out whats going on… just like your local radio but without gay comercials and advertising. we will have Sponsors give us information about deals etc and let you guys know whats cheap that week. or what just arrived., and letting people know whats going on… so keep posted… itll be finished this week…

All comments welcome… we would like your feedback on this.

Oh and its free for you guys :slight_smile:

we have had to fix some bugs on the radio. cause its making the site have errors… so if you see any just wait a few seconds and itll be fixed… have to test it out…

A Yeeeeee!!

I think this is a sick idea! I hope it all works out!

Pretty creative idea! Props to you rick

Too bad my laptop still doesn’t have sound so I can’t enjoy that benefit

well i thought of it… cause most times im online or whatever checking the forums . and listen to music so said hey why not make somthing to listen on the site… so i talked to a designer friend in mexico and we are putting it together… you can listen to all the music you want… and we can add small messages or whatever reminding people of events or upcoming shows and have some sponsors give us details of sales etc to add and help everyone out… kinda like tnc personal radio station… itll be cool…

ill let everyone know on the progress…

if people have ideas or whatever let me know. all input welcome

Perhaps a ‘shout box’ at the top of the forums?

For example, the one on

what genre of music will be playing… there’s such a broad scope of listeners it’s so hard to match everyone taste’s.

well we will be adding prety much everything if we can… i have to see what servers we can attach it to and stream all kinds. and maybe you can select what you want to listen to… but for now we are working to get it on the forums. its a pain in the ass… but itll be up soon enough. :slight_smile:

I want to hear what that chick on your sig says! LOL!

she says my top is hot… hahaha dunno… she hot got nice boobies

I honestly have no clue… I’m trying to find the video for it. But i have no idea where they are sourced from. not only that… I found another image of it her…


well i just paid for the server for the radio so i should have it working soon… i just have to add a few features and we will add it to the forums… i also have to learn how to do some of the broadcasting things on it… so will take a few weeks to get really good. but once i get everything ready ill up it to the site…

NOTE: Only Official members will be allowed to listen to it for now… so most of you are . so will be fun. Later on i will make it general users but only limited music and songs.

ok well most of it is set up and we are testing it now… should be available to post… if you listen to it open a media player or winamp window so it dosent shut off when you view a thread… ill be ading it to all windows etc.

k guys it online ready for everyone to listen conenct its easy!!

you need any in help in adding more songs to the list? I can tell your skippin gsome repeat songs now haha

I got a few tiesto, paul vank dyk, heavy drums n base, trance around the world, tranceformation sets…

I also got some old school rap beats like dr dre, tupac, biggie smalls, run dmc … can’t beat the classics :wink:

lol im listening to it and i dont like some so i change it hahah… yah sure put up a list and ill add them
im also downloading new ones so ost em up and ill add them
and i only have 45 up i think…

LOL ,David you always find those funny icons somewhere…:R

whoa she hot. lol