to set things straight

Lately theres been a little confusion it seems so Ill set things straight.

This is a Cameo:

and this is a Camaro:

There’s nothing straight about this.

Yeah, because PJB made this thread.


no, a cameo is a camaro also a nickname for someone who drives a camaro is cameo.

a cameo is that truck too.

a cameo is also an “alex jeseo”

It just sounds stupid calling a Camaro a Cameo.

maybe to you.

others agree with me.

sometimes that scares me

PJB, I for one am agreeing with you

i own a camaro and i hate it when i hear it called a cameo

+1, although I only owned mine for…well I only drove it for 2 months, still own it, haha

what is the matter wit it ?

bad oil pump or something like that, right?

well I thought it was, but it’s fine now, got oil pressure and everythin :wtf

bad pressure switch maybe

yea, I’m sellin it and probably putting the money towards a roll bar, suspension, and brakes for the MX-5

shut up:retardclap

cameo = camaro last time I checked…

yessir +1 rep for you
