today- Steak and Blowjob day


Goin to wegmans gettin steak and beer be back later

^ way to get her drunk before.


EDIT: not anymore. :frowning:

i wish it was tofu and rough anal from my BF day. :cry:

That’s every day!


im getting pizza and B-J day…good enough for me


I mentioned this fact to my wife this morning and i got “THE LOOK” sooo guess that not happenin

I’m sorry it had to come to that, but I needed your attention.

:meh: yea, miserable failure for me too today.

more like left over chili, ramen, and masturbate myself to sleep day. amirite?

are you going to cry and use your tears as lubrication?

okay that only happened once, and i was drunk and it was valentines day!

yup… i had cold pizza for dinner :frowning:
no steaks, and no bj’'s

no, sober night. midterm in the morning.

Yep, leftover spaghetti and masturbation day… :rofl:

lol @ anyone needing a “holiday” to receive BJs

:word: Any day you get blown is a holiday. :tspry:

truth. shouldn’t have to be a holiday :slight_smile: