Today's project

Thought I would share some pics of a bike i painted today. Never Painted scallops before so this is first try painting them. Just trying an old school look for my Brothers sportster. Will post more pics when assembled

Looking good Jeff :cool:

looks good!! :bigok:

I like it.

Just took the tank outside in the sunlight, and it looks even better. :smiley:

good job man looks bad ass.


not bad

classy looking dude.

Dont personally like scallops but that looks sweet, Looks like you got some skills wit the paint gun If we all liked the same shit we be riding around on the same bike Keep it Real

Here is a Finished Pic of the bike. Hope you like it!

need a springer front

needs different rear wheel

I agree with that. But this will do for now. I want to do an Ironhead sporty with a springer. As for the rear wheel it is a stock fatboywheel, when the tire wears out then thinking of laced wheel for it.
Just started the next bike Buell with a hardtail street fighter frame!

i seen a chopper with a sport bike swing arm on it. not to bad

nice,good job jeff!

looks good man!!