TONIGHT! 6/29 Jeremy(fairgentleman Z) last night out(as a free man)! T.I.T.S.

^^ hahaah make that 3

the last half of the night is just a bit foggy though … all i remember is getting kicked out of a lot of bars

lol. why does this not surprise me?

i remember when you called me the day after pattys asking me what happened. i said i was gonna call to ask you the same thing. lol. we r alkys

you were there?

i threw up?

I remeber I wasn’t even allowed to stand on the sidewalk in front of one place.

I really didn’t think I was drinking that much, the only conclusion I can draw is that those ice teas contained alcohol.

:lol: I was walking out of Brinks and almost stepped in puke so i stepped over it and pointed out to my friends…“Oh I bet it was that guy that everyone is trying to carry”…then I realized i knew all the guys carrying the obviously non-functioning drunk guy (aka YOU) lol and started laughing. i didn’t think you were going to be alive today…honestly. You couldn’t even open your eyes…or stand. glad you are ok…have fun tomorrow…Congrats to you and Nasandi :slight_smile:

jeremy… i bet my face tasted delicious


Good job getting hammered man :tup:

you threw up on my shoes…twice :biglaugh:

I remember you asking mike and I as we were dragging you how you got so fucked up.

A bouncer was gonna kick your ass until I told him I was your lawyer and got back in his face. Dont mess with the hammer!