tonight 7-22

any 1 down for a meet tonight it should be a nice night

depends on where


wow im fuckin stupid 1 of those days either like the strip or between the stadiums or in robinson some were idk
its 1 of those days

I don’t think there has been a day you haven’t been stupid, please learn proper english and grammar, your posts are very hard to read as it is :ban:

me n a couple people are goin down the strip around 9 or 930… feel free to come down and bring some poeple… there was a txt goin around so, we’ll so how big it gets tongiht!!

heres an idea… how bout planning something a few days in advance so people have a chance to see the thread and actually think about going lol if i woulda seen this thread earlier i prob would of headed down… well ima use my own idea and make a meet down the stadiums for sat night… see how many people will bite… i no of atleast 5 people that will be down :finger: