
Any plans going on for tonight? Talking to Talonchick and we want to meet up…maybe the strip district? Anyone interested?

well my car is back together so Im down,

Originally posted by RedMeanieGSR
well my car is back together so Im down,

“here I come back from the the dead! OHH HOLY CRAPP!”

Hehe glad to see you will join us tonight Tony

what time you heading down… i work right up the street.

i’m workin then i’m going home and sleeping because i dindt’ realize i opened tonight and i was up too late trying to figure out what the fuck “natural born killers” was about.

c/o’s are going on right after work then maybe I’ll swing down later on

I’ll probably head down the Strip let me know what time everybody is meeting up

I already told Jackie what’s going on w/ me. :slight_smile:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
I already told Jackie what’s going on w/ me. :slight_smile:

you leaking again

dang, i gotta work :mad:

i mean i work till like 10, i could swing by the strip on my way home. why don’t you ladies come to the game tonight. my treat :wink:

Well Im working til 8, then hopefully gonna hang out with you guys later :slight_smile:

someone give me a call tonight

what place in the Strip?

Originally posted by thefranchise
what place in the Strip?

on the street buy the hot dog vender and dumpsters. :smiley:

the usually roam around the strip…not one set place

Ill be in the hot tub all evening, no thanks guys.

im game, i have nothing to do yet so i guess someone hit me up and tell me where you are and i might stop down 412 628 1339cell

Looks like i’m just gonna chill at kurt’s tonight. The weather isn’t that great so we’ll probably just go down to the strip tomorrow night.