Shawn, no more job? WTF. I dont want to work.
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i think we need a rematch because my car spun worse than ever and by the time i started to reel you in it was too late
i def got out of it a lil and moved over, def scared me a bit… but i couldnt get traction worth a shit that night either…
yah you and me both had some serious traction issues…I will do a rematch but if we want traction its going to hafto be during the day…it gets too cold at night to hook up.
yeah i second that… def on a above 60 degree day would be nice…
wanna see how ya stand against a 117-119 mph car :crackup
thats alot of jclark points.
sure, just be careful not to shift like a grandmother :ninja
he doesnt want to break his 10 bolt :banana