tonite BWW

who the hell is goin?

im goin to have to go with kurt jackie beth tony adam bj cutty brad me and who ever else shows up :tounge:

yupo :stuck_out_tongue:

ill probably be there

i am out

who is showing tonight 4-20?

Im 50/50 on it…

Ill be there tonight

Originally posted by Quik
who the hell is goin?
Big White Woman :dunno:

i might be in

me and jenn were going to but I;m sore as hell from painting and ripping apart the garage getting it ready for the door installation, Plus finishing the lawn work jenn was doing.

Tomarrow I have to get up and start wiring the garage…

Damn i hate electrical things i’m always getting shocked

Originally posted by Mitsugrl97
Ill be there tonight


I was thinking of going but decided to go night fishing instead

night fishing>>>>> bww

besides i doubt anybody will miss me

Originally posted by RedMeanieGSR
I was thinking of going but decided to go night fishing instead

night fishing>>>>> bww

besides i doubt anybody will miss me


whos goin tonight?may 4th.

prob the usual crew

We’ll be in

Not sure yet… Mike is outside working in the garage, I just got done showering, but I haven’t said anything to him yet.

But neither of us have eaten either… :dunno:

i’ll be there