took the car out yesterday

It was the first time i drove it since it went to sleep in November. I didn’t go far just to the gas station. It felt strong when i jumped on it a couple of times. Time for some nice weather.

Cool, I have to take mine out this weekend so i can get the GTP in the garage. GTP needs new struts. If I have time since it will be nice I may rip the WS.6 around a little.


lol. i was waitin for that

It caught me off guard…wasn’t expecting it at all

beat me too it. (about bics not dean cause dean drives his)

hey dean i remember seeing it cruisin down 51 in whitehall area last fall. fuckin makes me happy in my pants. you takin up keystone this weekend to knock the dust off? or got shit to do to it first?

been ready since last year after i replaced my driveshaft. I think i forgot how to drive it. Almost scarred to powershift it. I’m so out of practice. Give me 4 or 5 passes then i’ll be fine. yes i’m going to prp this weekend, trying to go both days. u going?

nice…i look forward to seing it run Saturday :cool: