Top 10: Most Dangerous Toys of All-Time


lol i soooo want a skydancer for christmas

Kids do the darndest things, but not, apparently, nuclear physics

best article ever!

My boss just came over and asked when I was laughing at. Then had me forward him the link. :slight_smile:

lol. I like the description of the power wheels.

i used to have a skydancer. my parents mustve wanted to maim me.

i always wanted lawn darts and a powerwheels to do a drive-by

i have a set of jarts somewhere!

im only a couple of items in… and this is a GREAT READ.

i remember playing jarts when i was like 6-7… those things were great…

lol at the movie for the cannon

I still have and play Jarts, while drinking too!

Drunken Jarts > *


I want an atomic energy lab! And a Johnny Reb!

A spokesperson from the CPSC explained that “the barrel shape of the toy seemed to invite children to put it in their mouths.” Something you could apparently say in 1979 without too much snickering.


lol jarts > *

:lol: the kid with the lawn dart was awsome!


best part…

Nearly nine million Sky Dancers were eventually recalled, leaving aspiring ballerinas to earn their battle scars the old fashioned way, with an eating disorder.

when I was younger we kill a nice size rat with a lawn dart in some tall grass. not on purpose either

HAHA I want each of the above, and that dart picture is one of the funniest things iv seen in a while.

Almost as funny as Butters with a Shuriken sticking out of his eye…