Top 11 Geek Gifts

Best Geek Gifts

11.One year of “no computer questions” from everyone in your family

10.Private show by the remaining cast of Monty Python

9.Simultaneous devolution of all intelligent design proponents into chimpanzees

8.The Sword of a Thousand Truths

7.A “Nuke the RIAA from orbit” button (The type you press, not the type you wear)

6.Charles Babbage’s brain in a jar of formaldehyde.

5.Life-sized, fully-functional Bender

4.Star Wars Holiday Special where Jar-Jar gets trampled to death by Santa’s eight tiny Wookiees

3.Ten terabyte video iPod nano with expandable screen

2.Guided tour of Area 51

1.Customized Google logo on your birthday



I would pick

8 + 1

Agree with all but 1, 5 and 6 (don’t care on all counts) and 3 (make it an open-source DRM-free MP3 player).

are you serious 1 would be amazing…

how dare thee!

although it isnt necessarily geeky, having a full size bender would be amazing!

though it wouldnt be cool if he drank all my beer

i want 8 + 1

I don’t give a rat’s ass about my own birthday or anyone else’s, therefore it falls into the :whogives: category.

A dark, dark raincloud must follow you around. Have you tried zoloft? Ask for a sample at your next doctors visit.