Toronto Motorsports Park
Exotic Car Lapping/ Open Car Lapping / Advanced Driver Training
July 2010
Exotic Car Lapping -Saturday July 31st
Track Session: 10am-5pm
Pre-Registration: $200 plus HST
Registration at Track: $250 plus HST
Instruction is available for an additional $50 plus HST
To Register:
Call: (905) 772-0303 or Toll Free: 1-866-824-(RACE) 7223
To Register Online for Exotic Car Lapping: Click Here!
Open Car Lapping - Friday July 16th and Saturday July 24th
Track Session: 9am-5pm
Pre-Registration: $130 plus HST
Registration at Track: $150 plus HST
Instruction is available for an additional $50 plus HST
Evening Sessions - Open Car Lapping
Wednesdays in July: 7, 14, 21, 28
Fridays in July: 16, 23, and 30th
Track Session: 5pm to Dusk
Pre-Registration: $60 plus HST
Registration at Track: $80 plus HST
To Register:
Call: (905) 772- 0303 or Toll Free: 1-866-824-(RACE) 7223
To Register Online for Open Car Lapping:Click Here!
Mondays in July:5, 12, 19, and 26th- Advanced Driver Training
Session: 9am-5pm
Pre-Registration: $170 plus HST
Registration at Track: $200 plus HST
Instruction is available for an additional $50 plus HST
To Register:
Call: (905) 772-0303 or Toll Free: 1-866-824-RACE (7223)
To Register Online for Advanced Driver Training:Click Here!
Toronto Motorsports Park
Motorcycle Lapping / Motorcycle School
July 2010
Thursdays July 8- Motorcycle Lapping
Run by Racer5
Session: 9am-5pm (one hour break for lunch)
Pre-Registration: $90 plus GST
Registration at Track: $115 plus GST
July 17th and July 18th(Sat and Sun) - Motorcycle Lapping
Track Session: 9am to 5pm (one hour break for lunch)
Pre-Registration: $125 plus GST
Registration at Track: $145 plus GST
To Register:
Call: (905) 772-0303 or Toll Free: 1-866-824-7223
To Register Online for Motorcycle Lapping: Click Here!
F-2000 Performance Driver Training Program
Wednesdays in July: 7th and 21st
Session: 10am to 4pm
Pre-Registration Only: $495 plus GST
To Register:
Call: (905) 772-0303 or Toll Free: 1-866-824-7223
To Register Online for F-2000 Program: Click Here!