TougeThisDB1?!? = Seamus = hondaluver

TougeThisDB1?!? = Seamus = hondaluver

94.3% sure

Nickname or last name? Either way, major 0wnage.

no f-ing clue… first name? :confused

Shamus = BobbyT

its his first name

Stop lyin!

im not bro

Seamus is the actual spelling of it. It’s Irish.

It’s pronounced as Shamus though…unless you were just being funny ;D.

I always wanted to call Bobby SHAME-US as it’s an obvious correlation. I didn’t realize SEA-MUS is hondaluver? This is amazing.

Oh great I posted after a thread split…wanna move my post for me :runaway.


wow shawn just had a revalation lol

No it’s not. Seamus = middle name. ty~

Priceless. :lol

i didn’t realize it was a secret. yeah it’s him.

i’d move it for ya mikey, but i duno how :lol

I drove past his house all stalker like cuz I was in the area and nobody was home :sad

he practically lives at inline now

He has the multi colored four door teg with rasberry wheels? If so I know where he lives :ninja

yep. thats seamus.
he lives like 2 secconds from my dads house.
but he works at inline performance now… so hes ALWAYS there.

What does he do? Janitor?