Adjustable spreader that hooks up with a pin to a lawn tractor.
Adjustable spreader that hooks up with a pin to a lawn tractor.
bump for spring
summer bump
Spring 2013 bump haha. Still have this sitting in my dad’s garage.
Bump, you can push this too. Not sure if who realized that, but it also works as a tow behind spreader. Great for someone with a big lawn.
How about $40 for this?
I will give you $10 because I need to reseed my lawn but then I will just throw it out when I’m done.
Does it have normalized numbers for spreading, like that of a scotts spreader or similar, or is it kind of “it puts out what it wants” style?
It has a 1-9 system where it incrementally spreads more seed haha. Dirty. It works the way it should for a system like that. I’m not familiar with scotts’ spreaders but this one works fine. My dad and myself have been doing lawn maintenance for a long time so we just have a good idea of how much to put down depending on what it is.
We don’t need this but it’s hanging on a nail in the back of his garage so it’s not really in the way. If I can’t get what I’m asking I’ll just hang on to it until I have a huge lawn. We have like 4 tractors I could use with it.
Ended up getting $40 for this on craigslist. Always seem to get my asking price for landscaping stuff on craigslist in the spring.