TPS LS1 200shot > everthing (vid)

i heart white f bodys…!

awesome car! lsx > *

LOL, John doesn’t like reading

N/A Numbers

+1 i saw the vid on LS1tech. VERY impressive.

I heard on the same site that termin8r went down to a 150 shot.



i saw the vid tooo!!! wow thats impressive

I’d like to see it too! :smiley:

also pmed, ill post it in here if turbo doesnt mind.

go ahead post it !!

id actually rather keep it to pms…i dont want it posted…if anybody wants it just send me a pm

Did I miss something?

Is this someone’s car that is on this forum?
or just a video of some random car doing pulls?

Edit- Ok, I get it, This is what someones setup is supposed to be NEXT YEAR…making this post worthy in kill videos.

^^^??? no

they are vids of a fast car from ls1tech, and “Racing SouthWest”


someone commented on the video of me at the track. (totally different subject) which, if you want to see that video, pm me

Ok So I did miss something.
I just thought this was a “look how great my car is supposed to be next year thread”
But it is still a video of some semi-random car doing pulls from another forum

PM sent for the vid

Carry on :smiley:


i expecally like 6mpg! :tdown:

:tup: to having no clue what the hell you are talking about :smash2:

you bumped a 4 month old thread for a wrong statement about gas mileage? diaf?


soo what?

sooo you are a fucking idiot