Anyone going?
as long as the weather holds… :bigok:
no can do for me gotta work at the shop tonight!
hopefuly friday!
If I get out of work on time I’ll be there. I’ll be late as usual. Have the wife bring the camcorder to record the carnage. Gonna try launching harder. lol
nope, wife works M-W-F and I have the girls from 4:30 until 9.
sounds tempting, but if i break im screeeeeeeeeeewd
that a good excuse!
Fuck. I just got called out to work. Maybe my wife will still go.
:bigok: If you guys see my car come say hi, I should be there early.
hopefully if i can get out of work on time
I will be there
Fucker… I wanted to see that Silver bitch turn 11’s too.
Let the wife take your car.
I’m there…
i’m going, I’ll be in my vw
Well, won’t make this…work keeps me late. Mebbe this weekend
seemed everyone was having traction issues, weather there was too little or too much is the question… 2002SilverWS-6’s wife really drives the hell out of her srt-4, very consistant
My wife had a perfect 500 light and ran a 13.7 on that pass. She only messed up one time(missed third gear). I congratulated her on her perfect light but she was pissed about missing a gear. She told me that she drove like a little bitch tonight. Imagine that. She’s definately hooked.
12.3 @ 114.9
traction = poo