Translation party(LULZ contnent ITT)

From a yahoo article about cars
original: Why is Audi pursuing this technology? Simple: LEDs make more light than heat and take up less space.
result: What reason, what technology is, you need a Audi? Simple: LED is much brighter than the heat, it takes less space.

Your ugly and your mother dresses you funny


Interesting that you dress you and your ugly mother


Is ugly and your mother dresses you funny


The mother dresses you funny and ugly


Mother dress funny and ugly


Funny and ugly dress mother


Interesting and ugly dress mother


Interesting and ugly dress mother


HAHA no wonder the asians think the corvette is crap. They got it all backwards!!!

No car is as good as a corvette


Is not a good thing the car corvette


The Corvette is not a good car


Corvette is not a good car


Corvette is not a good car

I lika do da cha cha, like a sissy girl

I like a girl Dachacha Rica or gutless

I like sissy girls and Dachacha Costa Rica

Dachacha sissy girl and I like Costa Rica

Dachacha sissy girl and I like the Costa Rica

Dachacha sissy girl and I are like in Costa Rica

Dachacha sissy girl and I are similar in Costa Rica

Dachacha sissy girl and I are similar to Costa Rica

:lol:lol:lol no, no, Adam, thats dead fucking right :thumbup

From now on thats his name, Tabotoravisu

black sofa sex :rofl