Translation party(LULZ contnent ITT)

This should prove entertaining. This site takes your phrase, translates that into Japanese, then into English, then into Japanese, then into English and so on. Each time the phrase loses more and more meaning. A bit like that broken telephone game we used to play as kids, ya know? Post some hilarious results. Post the last one, so we can try to guess what it was originally, then give the first phrase as a solution.

What site?

FAIL! I had more LULZ going on when I got crabs the second time.

Translation party. I added it.

Your first post:
1st translations:
This should prove interesting. This site is to take your phrase, in English, then English, then later converted into Japanese and many Japanese-made. Each phrase means more than losing. Ya know the game a bit like a broken phone for use in our play as a child? Post some hilarious results. Because one of the last two posts, and guess what the original, you can try the first phrase as its solution.

This should prove interesting. This site is in English, then English, then you can take your phrase into many Japanese Japanese-made. Means more than the loss of each phrase. Broken phone for use in the shop as a child playing the game like I know a bit? Post some hilarious results. From one of the last two, and so, if the former, a solution that I can try to do the first phrase.

This should prove interesting. This site is in English, but then English, then you can take your words for many Japanese to Japanese. Meaning, or loss of each clause. I have a broken phone for use in stores are like children playing games, know a little? Post some hilarious results. The last two posts and one for the solution of the former, you can try to do my first phrase.

This should prove interesting. This site is in English, then you are English, you can take your words, many Japanese to the Japanese. I mean, or loss of each clause. The kids like to play the game at the store to use my mobile phone do you have a little broken to know? Post some hilarious results. The last two articles and one of the former is a solution that can try to do my first phrases you.

This should prove interesting. If the site in English and in English, you can take a lot of Japanese words in Japanese. I mean, or loss of each clause. Shop, the children are playing a game with little damage my phone? Post some hilarious results. Genichi, the last two or three of the first two phrases of two or 1,111,111,111,111 single one of my two, I have two solutions, one or two three, one of two concrete examples one .

i’m fucking dying over here cossey ahahah

HAHA, wtf? where did all those ones come from?

Oh, it works way better the more you put in.
All the ones I tried came back pretty much the same.

Took this:

And put it in, the last one to come back was this:

fuckin hell I can not believe it? Huh? I YEAAR SHOULDA SOMONENOW 1 Tree 22,111,111 or 112,211,112 complaints from January 02 issue of volume 2 1,111,111,111,111 111111111111 Sun Life Building 2 』one 3 I 2 CUZ Paizuritorera PIC of my first two books have 14 children, one end of this shit is a single data 2,4 to fight with us and you need to build two

I took this from Elliots post under September Caption and did the translation…

Vlad’s quotes of honor thread. This made the site choke up and i had to refresh it a bunch ot get it to keep going. Heres what came out.

original:There are some quality smart-asses on board here, and I’ve noticed some side splitting quotes in the past few weeks and I’m sure I’ve missed some as well.

result: I have a few weeks ago, the Board of Directors, in the morning in the region, many people in the education of our people who are sent to the smart ass that is that we have a lot of quality. We must not miss.

From Cossey’s supercop thread.
original: So I was traveling home from Suny Potsdam (my gf goes there) and I was cruising down 28 when my radar detector went off. So I set my cruise control at 55mph, the speed limit. About 35 seconds later, I see a cop pass me. No big deal… To me. So he hits his brakes and flips a U-turn. Now I’m like “WTF mate?”
He flips his lights on, and signals for me to pull over. So I did.

Therefore, Suny Potsdam (my GF, long), and 28 are seeking the return of the radar detector from my cruise. So, I, and one, respectively, 1,1, Cruise Control, November 2-55 miles to set a speed limit. About 35 seconds, I passed the officer. No big deal to me … please. So he brake U-turn - to flip on foot. Currently, his team-mate Hiroshi “” He is a road for him, turned off my light signal inversion. So I did.

hahaha, somehow somebody named Hiroshi appeared. :lol

Supercop thread continues
Cop: Do you know why I’m pulling you over?
Me: No, I honestly don’t.
Cop: Well, I saw that you have no front plate on the vehicle… And I’m assuming you don’t know you were speeding?
Me: No… I had my cruise control set to 55mph.
Cop: Well you were going 57mph.
Me: I thought the speed limit was 55mph, I’m sorry, I didn’t see it drop down.
Cop: No, the limit is 55mph. But you were still speeding.
Me: I’m sorry officer, but do you think the fact I was going downhill after a long uphill may have contributed to that extra TWO miles per hour?
Cop: It really does not matter, you were speeding, you need to accept that. I also see you have a radar detector, I saw that from almost a mile away from you. Why do you have that?
Me: As far as I knew, it’s not illegal to have one. I don’t think I need to justify my reasoning on having it.
Cop: Well you obviously got it because you like to speed.
Me: So now you’re profiling me because of a radar detector, officer?
Cop: No, but we all know what a radar detector means.
Me: Yes, we do. It’s so we can tell if a radar signal is being given off.
Cop: You know as well as I do that it’s for speeders to get away with shit.
Me: That’s neither here nor there sir.
Cop: You also hit the brakes as I passed you, so you’re trying to tell me you weren’t speeding? Why did you hit your brakes, son?
Me: To make sure you didn’t give me a ticket for 58 in a 55, sir.
Cop: Yea, right. I’ll be back.

Police: Do you know why you are pulling? Me: No, I honestly do not. Police: Yes, in my car, I have a front plate for you, I assume that you have a good speed? Me: No … I have set each time Kuruzukontororumairu 55. Police: I was hoping to get on a plane

I…AM…DYING here, im literally crying! hahahaha

From Nicoles in the kitchen thread, Adam’s request
original: I’ll have a marinated pork tenderloin cooked over a bed of charcoal cooked to exactly 160F, no more, no less. For a starch I would like twice baked potatoes, don’t forget the chives. For a vegetable I will take asparagus, steamed, not boiled. For additional sides and condiments I would like a large pot of pork gravy, dinner rolls, cole slaw and a Caesar salad.

I marinated the exact bed that is beef and pork tenderloin, and coal - 160F, to cook food. 2 times, I was please do not forget chives baked potato starch. Is desirable. Instead, I steamed vegetables, boiled the asparagus below. Korusurororubakku 1 Shizasaradapan dinner will be added to the bottom of my main seasoning. Welcome pork soup.

OMFG. JClarks reply from the rep points thread has found equilibrium. Holy shit.
original: The scale of measurement didnt produce the desired result so we’ll just adjust the scale until it does.
result: Reasonable and appropriate steps to our growth will be adjusted to produce the desired result set size.

I like big butts and I can not lie. And you other brothers can’t deny, that when a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist and round thing in your face you get sprung.

I like big butts and I can not lie. Other brothers, my face will refuse to walk around the waist do not get a girl that is a small spa.

Bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks.

No tricks Wagotoku complaint data confusion.


This one actually had it’s original meaning completely turned around. Kinda like a negative into a positive:

Failvis’s mother wears panties with dick holes in them.

Failvis penis wearing a hole in her panties.