You have to try this!!! Talk to strangers...

haha , very funny


yeah wat

try it dumbasses!

start a chat! it connects you with a completely random person

i did and it sucks

I just talked to someone from Britain… lmao

The person didnt even speak english lmfao

I told him to calm the fuck down and he disconnected :rofl

This could be entertaining…

haha, told you. Just fuck with people…

Stranger: hi
Stranger: :stuck_out_tongue:
You: adfgh
Stranger: omg!
Stranger: br?
You: i kill you bitch
Stranger: wut?
You: are you black?
Stranger: …
Stranger: no.
Stranger: Im japanese lol
You: are you JDM?
Stranger: wtf does that mean?
You: do you like cars?
Stranger: no i hate them
You: do you own a car?
Stranger: i like walking ya know
Stranger: no
You: a/s/l?
Stranger: and wut does that mean
You: it means that im a sexual predator
Stranger: oh yea
You: like PJB
Stranger: suck my tits
You: gladly
Stranger: like Paul Gilbert

actual conversation i just had :rofl :rofl

Stranger: lol
Stranger: fag
You: wat
You: calm down
Stranger: want a real forum?
Stranger: ******
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: calm down
Stranger: Fuck, not you again
Your conversational partner has disconnected.



omg I found my new drunk conversation peoplesz

I just lost the game to a goatse.

Stranger: whut up holmes
Stranger: whatchu sayin?
You: yo ***** dis is da sickest website EVER
You: na’ meeeen?
Stranger: Statistically speaking, over 9 out of 10 people involved enjoy gang rape
You: that would be me
Stranger: you are all 9?
Stranger: Impressive
Stranger: most impressive
You: i once wrote a book
You: it was called " I HATE *******"
Stranger: Really?
You: have you read it/
You: ?

Stranger: Oh is that like the book “****** Stain”
Stranger: I have read that it is sitting beside me
You: no it’s like “****** stench”
You: from chappelles show
Stranger: oh I see
Stranger: big nose havin
Stranger: breathin all the white man’s air
You: “wide nose havin muthafuckahz”

:rofl :rofl :rofl

this is too good

You: get horny
Stranger: i am
Stranger: are you?
You: wanna have interwebz sex?
You: oh yeah
You: my pussy is so wet
Stranger: i am chris hansen, how bout you take a seat over there
You: oh shit
You: gotta go
Stranger: i caught you predator
You: ah fuck
You: k
You: bye
Stranger: im 12 yrs old

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: whats goin on vanilla face?!
Stranger: It’s Vanilla ICE!
Stranger: Busta
You: nope
You: haha
You: u a gangster?
Stranger: more like a wanksta
You: I’m a gangbanger, west side yo
Stranger: At least your reppin the west side
You: fuck no, I’m in New york hommie
You: west coast=pussies
Stranger: Sorry to hear that
Stranger: Things could be worse though
Stranger: You could live in NY
You: wuuut? calm down u rapist
Stranger: The rapist to you busta
You: ur a sexual predator aren’t you?!
You: you like little boys don’t you?!
Stranger: Depends on whos askin
You: you play a little game “just the tip”?
Stranger: Ah yes. Love that game
Stranger: But I always fail
You: why?
Stranger: It’s never just the tip
You: lmao
Stranger: It’s a good way to start though
You: a/s/l?
Stranger: I never devulge my secrets
Stranger: Ok ok… im in CA
Stranger: I have candy. Free candy. Why dont you jump in the van
You: I have one of those vans…
Stranger: Oh snaps
You: it actually says free candy on it too
Stranger: competition
You: mines way more gangster though
Stranger: Yeah well I bet you dont roll around with puppy’s in the back
Stranger: Works everytime
You: naa, just little kids
Stranger: hmmmmm
Stranger: You just stay out of CA
You: wtf, this is awesome…lol
You: dont worry braaaa
Stranger: You’re a towel
You: stay out of NY!
You: wtf a towel?
Stranger: Nevermind
Stranger: Preemptive strike
Stranger: I take it back
You: damnstraight
You: dont mess
Stranger: Oh and keep skittles a plenty
Stranger: “They” love em
You: always!
You: haha
You: keep it real wangsta… gotta go “drive around” …
Stranger: Skittles, puppy’s and flip out cell phones for texting
Stranger: oh and duct tape
Stranger: aigh tpeace
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Zomg i must try this

WOWWW he got you with the “you’re a towel” I laughed out loud