You have to try this!!! Talk to strangers...

Stranger: hello asl


You: 12/F/WV

Stranger: u shudnt be on this site!

You: y not

Stranger: bunch of pervs on ere!

Your conversational partner has disconnected

wtf is the whole towel thing???

Stranger: I am black.

You: ffffuuuuuuuu

You: I’m in the KKK

You: we kill your kind

Stranger: This will not do!

Stranger: Alright, gonna go do black stuff…



Stranger: for my life to be over!


Stranger: what will it beee

You: wow… did we just become best friends?

Stranger: I think we did.

You: me too, I love you, bye

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: YMCA

Stranger: LALALALA

Stranger: LALALAL

You: the life of the wife is ended by the knife

You: gunna make you say Y M CA

Stranger: fuck

Stranger: I AM ******

Stranger: YOUR ASS

Stranger: IS MINE

You: i heard jiggers smell like salt

You: *******

You: is this true?

Stranger: no

You: I have water melon and orange soda are you not intrigued?

Stranger: bye

Stranger: i AM NOT


Stranger: BYE

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

How do they all know?




Connecting to server…
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: i’m touching myself right now
Stranger: guy or girl
You: girlllll
Stranger: whoa
Stranger: girl here…
You: nicee
You: i’m 19
Stranger: 16
Stranger: bi or straight?
You: a/s/l
You: ehhh, willing to try
Stranger: female california
You: college?
Stranger: only 16
You: ooo wtf
Stranger: yeeaa…
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: … …,-’’’’’’’–,_
… …,-~’’-,:::::::::::::::::::’’-,
… …,~’’::::::::’,::::::: :::::::::::::|’,
… …|::::::,-~’’’’’’’–~’’’:}
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… …|:::::|: : :-
—: : : -----: |
… …(
’’~-’: : : : : : : : :
… …’’’~-,|: : : : : : ~—’: : : :,’–never Gonna
… …|,: : : : : :-~~–: : ::confused: -----give You Up!
… …,-’’’:: :’~,
: : : : : _,-’
… …
,-’;;;;;:’’-,: : : :’~—~’’/|
… …
,-~’’;;;;;;/;;;;;;;: :: : :/: :’,_
… .,-~~~’’’’
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Stranger: you just lost the game


You: Do you like America?

Stranger: i live in america, but i don’t like it

You: Well then…


Stranger: oh, ok

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: chippy?
You: I’m touching myself
Stranger: hey lets talk about it! Can I call you Mike?
You: wtf is chippy
Stranger: are you mooseknuckle jeesus Mike?
You: no it’s amandaaaaa
Stranger: amanda. are you legal?
Stranger: like legit? too legit to quit?
You: 19, I’m still in college
You: wayyyy to legit
Stranger: get tore up much?
You: haha, no
You: are you tearing it up???
Stranger: zebras! - is yr money on them black with white stripes or white with black stripes?

Stranger: I’m riding zebras. I’m doin real good
You: it’s green, duh
You: haha ur crazy
Stranger: oh so yr a weed smoker
Stranger: me too
You: def, love it
Stranger: Where we’re you touching before?
Stranger: elbow?
Stranger: zebra?
You: yea i like touching my elbows, it turns me on
You: lmao
Stranger: zebras have no elbows. We’re probably making fun of them talking about touching our ebows
Stranger: but lets keep touching elbows anyway
Stranger: will you call me again? Or did you just wanna lick my elbow then never see me again?
Stranger: cuz thats cool to
You: haha, isn’t it impossibleto touch elbows together
Stranger: i mean yours and mine
Stranger: I dont elbow masturbate by trying to touch my own
You: hahahah, very funny, ur a pedofile aren’t you
Stranger: i just checked you retard - of course its possible to touch elbows together
You: nope
Stranger: just not touching your elbow with yr tongue
Stranger: can I call you Mike?
You: my boobs are in the wya, cant do it
Stranger: Wow boobs at 19. Unheard of. i got mine at 24
Stranger: have you ever thought about jesus?
You: ummmm, thats not early
Stranger: mooseknuckle jeesus?
You: no fuck him
Stranger: you know mooseknuckle tho yeah?
You: is he a dif jesus?
Stranger: he deals weed to jeesus
You: ha, ok theen
Stranger: he’s kind of a half jeesus half zebra
You: i’d like to meet him then
Stranger: anyways - you can drink his boob milk - tastes like Bud Lite
Stranger: ever drink your own boob milk?
You: mmmm, maybe
Stranger: what do you taste like?
Stranger: wasabi?
Stranger: zebra?
You: close
Stranger: jeesus?
You: diesel…
Stranger: nice
You: its alittle harsh
Stranger: its been real. sayonara amanda diesel boobs. I’d do you!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

1st. Convo:lol


You: english-o ?

Stranger: Fuck you-o.

2nd convo:lol

Stranger: RONALDO


Stranger: rsrsrs fui pego desprevenido nessa

I got that Ronaldo guy a couple mins ago :rofl

Stranger: A wild Squirtle appears!

Stranger: Squirtle uses water gun

You: fffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, gooo charmander

Stranger: It’s super effective!

You: dammit!

You: go metapod!

Stranger: Squirtle uses tail wag

Stranger: nothing happens

You: metapod uses harden! defense has greatly increased!

Stranger: Squirtle runs away

You: whew… close one

2871 users online

the Funadvice Traffic Exchange

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: nasioc ot ftw

Stranger: ftw!!!?

You: oooo nasioc

You: car fags unite

Stranger: yeah something like that

You: yes i know


Stranger: no wai

You: yes wai

Stranger: do you drive an srt4?

You: i do not drive a NEON

Stranger: it’s not a NEON!!

Stranger: it’s an SRT4

You: die in a fire

You: its a fucking neon

Stranger: it has nawwwwwwwws

Stranger: hater

You: and tiurbos tooo the extreme

You: so fucking extreme

Stranger: xtreme!

You: pshhhhh psshhhhh blow off sound

Stranger: i drink mountain dew while driving

Stranger: that’s how extreme i am

You: I blow of in reverse im so fucking extreme

Stranger: shit, you win

You: continue on good sir

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Welcome to tech support how may I help you?
You: tech? for what???
Stranger: yor current problem
You: dildos…
Stranger: you called us sir?
You: problem with dildos
Stranger: What seems to be the problem
You: its broken
Stranger: Oh thats easy
Stranger: did you check the batteries
You: its not battery opperated
Stranger: oh
Stranger: well
You: oo hai
You: it got stuck
Stranger: did you try gluing it back together
You: why would i glue it in my butthole
Stranger: well if its stuck please remain calm and I will dispatch a team of large black men to your current location
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

omg so much fun! hahahahaha

Stranger: Hi

You: omg sarah is that you

Stranger: yes

You: i have HIV you might want to get yourself checked

Stranger: omg

You: i know

Stranger: you freakin psychapath

You: I told you i have herpese and you were cool with that

Stranger: no i wasn’t you dick

You: but then the next day i found out about the HIV


Stranger: whyyy

Stranger: how could you do this to me

You: oh wait is this Sarah M or Sarah W

Stranger: M

You: OHHHH yeah ummm so sorry about that

Stranger: why would you do this to me

You: you were drunk and passed out

Stranger: thats YOUR fault

You: and the way the urine made your pants cling to your crotch

You: I couldnt help it

You: i mean I atleast pulled out

You: and blew it in your hair

You: that has to stand for something

Stranger: well i guess it does

Stranger: haha pulled out

You: well since we both have HIV

Stranger: you didn’t

You: marry me

Stranger: i’m pregnant


Stranger: ok :slight_smile:

You: come over i have a flight of stairs and a coat hanger

Stranger: whats the stairs gonna do

You: well you know mom is going to be pissed your prego

Stranger: noooo

Stranger: hang on a sec

You: she was always jealous of us playing doctor growing up

Stranger: im back

Stranger: sorry i had to take a gnar gnar dump

You: you shouldnt talk like that you know how it turns me on

Stranger: :wink:

Stranger: sorry

Stranger: i need to wash my grease face

haha, o god, i gotta sleep, I will def be using this tomorrow at school!!! lol