travis butt spooge

hahahahaha lmao

Ill be sure to give ya a reference :rofl

Gotta make my $$$ somehow…and anal commissions pay quite well:rofl

Ha ha what is going on in this thread and tricia why do you keep responding

idk, but i like…


hahahaha its quite amusing lol :rofl I still stand firm though, butt sex ftl:rofl

Adam takes it in the ass for money?


:open_mouth: I knew you’d come around!

Pays the bills nignog ROFL

Tricia dont get mad you love butt sex

I lol’d :rofl

dont get mad get glad:rofl

still butt sex ftl

Tricia loves butt sex


So youre saying you like your men to have anal sex with a Glad Hefty bag over their member??

…Now THATS strange:rofl

we should all sport a big red banner in our sigs

Tricia supports & loves buttsecks

Wow 9 pages of anal talk…fantastic…

Thats defamation of character and you should be banned for eternity…
