travis butt spooge


uhhhh…no lol why the hell would i finger my butt :rofl thats sooo gross lol


Don’t lie you def did slip one up there

Cuz it sounds HILARIOUS!

She loves it

This thread turned into 13pgs of anal backfire!

(and no…not explosive diharrea)

Omg adam its fucking 4 hours and 32 minutes to get that mustang

lol anal backfire lmao

yeah, its right outside buffalo, i looked it up…

Damn its at fucking lake erie

hahahahahahahaha way to funny right now lol

So you getting ready for the hubby to give you some rear end loving?

my vote is get a lil tipsy and get your fuck on raw dog, when you’re done do like i do, wash that shit with some dial soap and bring your ass to the clinic first thing in the morning. :o:D

hahahahaha hes not home yet, and no Im doing my woman duties lol ( dishes and dinner ) :rofl

And then the anal adventures


Oh damn she is ready to get down and dirty

You gonna make him wear a rain coat to play in the mud?

A womans duties include anal, idk if ya got the memo or not…:smiley: