Travis is a fucking moron, again.

You’re gonna do us all a favor and stop BREATHING?!?!?! REALLY??? THank you SOOOO much, you’re fucking amazing.

It’s an 89’ Mustang GT, 5.0, supercharged.

Uh huh… even if it were all that, at LEAST I didn’t put my car up on 3 scissor jacks and try to paint my rims pink… but then again, even if I did, I’m a GIRL so it wouldn’t be NEARLY as gay as it was when you did it. OH and btw… I’d have been smart enough to use FOUR jacks instead of three you stupid fuck. You’re probably the same guy who’s car we put up on blocks a few years back at a party. We took his tires off, and put them inside his locked car. He cried cuz he couldn’t figure out how to put them back on. lol

Yes… it makes it go faster, just like all the chodes who run around with nothing done to their cars except adding racing stripes and fart cans. :retardclap