True Life on MTV

On thursday they are doing a show on people with Tourettes. Just thaught I’d post it. Should be a good show.

is Twitchles gunna be on it?

Well, seeing as how I have Tourettes…I will wach it.

this oughta be good,… dammit

HBO had a great documentary about kids w/ it

they have a series in britain… called “teenage tourettes camp” hilarious shit.

one girl would say things like “BOMB” when she was in the air port
any black person that she saw she would yell “nigger” really loud.

its really funny

Correction it is Tuesday at 8.

yea I wnat to see it to.
I thought it was

My episode “True Life: I have Tourette Syndrome” will air next Tuesday, Oct 10th at 10PM on MTV.
[email=“Louis%20Twitchels”]Louis Twitchels

i can never watch these kinds of shows cuz they get me thinking like ‘hey, i do that sometimes…o shit! i have ________ !!!’

i love true life.


anyone else lol at this ironic name?


so anyone watch this? kinda intense.

urgh i missed it fuck…

i kept seeing commercials… i meant to catch it.

he just wants to be a normal kid…not living at home when he’s 30.

i wanted to see him.

lol he was only 20? im like uhh i’m 20 and live at home…i have no reason to move out.

but it was actually pretty sad. the girl had it real bad and she was only 16…

I wanted to see this too :frowning:

should be on later tonite

That girl was totally milking it though She was just a bitch to start with, and she exaggerates so she can say and do anything she damn well pleases.

You’re going to want to catch a replay of this.

That bitch SUCKED.


Hes a comedian. His real name is Louis “Twitchels” Santani