trying to find this song

Mike Rowland - “Angel Delight”

i need this for a soundtrack but i cant find it anywhere, i would pay just for the single song as thats all i need, but i dont have torrents or anything at work, if anyone can get it and megaupload it or somethin that would be greattt

i have a video called “anal delight” you think that will work?

is this it?

these are all I could find via google site index search

or it looks like you can buy it here

this appears to be free. Probably just need something to capture the audio stream

FYI, for anyone interested. Here is a neat google trick to search for file types (mp3’s, avis, zip, rar, ect)

Go to Googles Advanced search page. It will list 4 fields to enter for your search. Enter then as described below

“with all of the words” = What you are looking for. For example; NES ROMS (any whatever you happen to be looking for… can be specific or vague)

“with the exact phrase” = Parent Directory (always keep this the same)

“with at least one of the words” = the extension of the file you’re looking for (.mp3, .wma, .ZIP, .rar, ect). You can search for multiple file extensions… just use a space between them

and finally

“without the words” = cd debian linux (also, always the same)

You’ll get some wired results… always look for the links that are pointing to a directory, not the ones that bring you to an HTML type of page. You can find all sorts of things this way. Found a lot of rare music this way that I couldn’t find via P2P

sick thanks

i think ill end up buyin it… just the actual track “angel delight” is all i needed but wowzers thx