Turbocivs stag.... 8/19/06

bump :tup:


gotta get the money in soooon

edit: i’ll pay double to see kevin dance also :slight_smile:


bump, money needs to be in soon so i can get a head count.:tup:

um ur dam right u while…an ass like this dont go cheap

WORD… cause i have to say… it is quite the ass

for ne1 in the northtowns i work at firestone on sheridan and the blvd. if you wanna pick a ticket up from me out there gimme a call b4 you stop in and then you’ll be on your way to some beer and boobies in support of john!!!


i got tickets too, pm me, call me if u got my number, w/e. more tickets need to be sold, this everyone waiting till the last minute bullshit needs to stop


i think i am out for this one. Don’t have the funds right now. Everything is going towards the whole moving out of state thing.

i’ll probably be out at liars around 11. Doubt i am drinking much though

fuck you.

HAHAHA jesus…

ok fine… i’ll see what i can do. Just so you don’t throw a damn fit


i hate u untill u buy a ticket

HAHAH OMG… fine fine… i’ll grab a damn ticket. LOL

everybody is getting so damn mad

yea skunk u suck wtf

buuuuuuuuump, tonights the night. we will be selling tickets at the door soooooo come on by and have a good time. theres already a ton of people going.

SHIT, i gotta go to a different stag at 7:00, maybe after that i will stop down to liars. Is anybody still be there around 11:00?

stag is from 5pm-9pm

damnittttttt…i think i have to find some money LOL…

i’ll hopefully be there.