Fri 8/5/2005...quote happy hour party

ok…here’s the deal…have a quote happy hour party… this Friday august 5 from 5:30pm-7:00pm
-first drink is free
-$1 drinks after that
-it’s a party up to 25 people…we have 21 spots left…if u want in…just PM me and let me know…

afterwards…maybe get something to eat…then head back DT or somewhere else…who knows…

so again…if u want in…PM me

1st 21 people to pm me will attend…

or PM me since i have the list…

dammit i work 5-10.

weak…call off :slight_smile:

sorry honey… gonna be in C-land with F-dot

otherwise I’d be all over this

bah…everybody sucks…do u know realize…u can get retarded for $15…lol.


yeah, sad thing is you NEED 15 bucks…

they water down your drinks so bad.

ya they do…

did i ask if they water drinks down…?? NO…i asked if anybody wants to go…


your sexy… ill be downtown sat ngiht though :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope your sig isn’t a stab at me. :stuck_out_tongue:


yea…i might go DT sat…gotta see how the cash flow is…

I better be in one of those 1-4 spots taken!!! Cause I willlllll beee there, skipping work for it :tup:

yea i think u are…

ugh. work from 1 30 - 10

you are # threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
and i better get those damn live Cd’s you promised me sweetheart :wink:

The hybrid clan will be there we have 25 tickets to witts end as well and will be in attendance for the happy hour

oh snap…lol…

i work til 6, wouldnt be able t get there til 7…so, no point :frowning:

i work till 5

ill be there, this works out soooo perfectly :snky: