TV 32" Toshiba

Got this with a lot of things I bought. Works good, picture is good, there is no remote and the thing is missing from the front to hide the inputs. Has component and S-video.

Free come get it before 6pm. 716-570-3082.

seven one six 570-3082

Located in Lancaster.

Good luck, I had 2 of these I couldn’t even give away…it’s a shame, a lot of these older tv’s were great and they lasted forever, but society has deemed the without value now…

True that, if it doesn’t sell by the weekend amvets it is!

Ive got a similar TV that I wont even bother trying to sell. Thank for the Amvets idea! Itll clear up some shelf space lol

Lol it’d be more fun to dump it out the back of the truck at 65mph on the thruway and video it! lol

HAAHAHAHAHAHA but then it wouldn’t be of any help to the members of society who shop at amvets…unless they were watching you.

glws, i too had to donate mine…tax write off though

Bring to gi and ill take it. You can see the lil red express too. Still going strong!

Ill drive it out for there for the $40.

Txt me if your serious.

misteroman ftw :tup:

Sent ya a pm and interested in others if people have them as well

how about PC monitors misteroman?

Like 17-19" ones?

$20 come get it outta my garage

I thought u were going to bring this by?

No free time to drive to GI.

Free come get it before 6pm. 716-570-3082.