TW: machineist tools micrometers scribers dial indicators etc

I have a decent anount of machinests tools that i am thinking about getting rid of im just trying to see if anyone on here has any interest if so let me know and i will list everything i have.

studderin may be interested. He has a good amount of this stuff, but there might be something that catches his interest.

ok well im going to make a list and than ill post everything i have


very interested… LMK what you have

me first, ill give you the wire you wanted… what do ya got buddy?

pix up

What brand are those mics?
Have you had anything calibrated recently?
How much for everything?

The mics are as follows from top to bottom left row first
Starret 2"
Brown & Sharp 2"
Lockomb 2"
Starret 1"
Right row
Brown & Sharp 1"
No Name .5"
Brown & Sharp 1"
Brown & Sharp 1"

Have not had calibrated cause i dont have any joe blocks

I was looking to get around 200/bo for everything

Also not pictured i have a 13" Starret calliper in its own velvet lined wood box.

wow, oldies, but goodies

seriously, i was expecting some junk harbor freight / centech shit.

VERY interested, but AWDrifter gets first dibs i guess.

If he dont want it, ill def take it all. Im sick of using work’s junk… I need my own quality shit

Edit: FUCK, i could really use all of that :stuck_out_tongue:

well sale is pending now if you can beat my offer of 200 that someone gave me all of it is yours and i dont nean by just like 5 bucks either i wont sell someone out for that little.
Thank you

pic of calliper sorry its shitty but you can get the point

Im not gonna buy it out from someone, but if that deal falls through, PM me…

nice tools

all sold thank you!