Twizted Sabres Bash #3 This Saturday 5.12.07 -5pm


sorry, we can’t hear you whining all the way up there in the press box :cjerk:



i will most likely be there a little after 10.


i will most likely be there a little after 10.


hoooorayyyyy lol

bumppppp… cant wait for tomorrow :headbang::headbang::headbang:



its looking really shitty for me at this point but we will see





Ohhhhhhh Bitch BUMP…and all of you check out some vids from last week i posted!

anyone meeting up before and cruising down

im hoping to get out at 5 if were not to busy

hmmmm… work all morning, but i have the game in HD, hard to pass that up!

bump bumpity bump ’ gonna be a blast ’


worddd…grabbin sean in 15 min…then grabbing food then heading over

I’m not sure on when I can make it, but I will have wieners and beef in hand. Maybe some bottles too.

I still don’t feel great from last night but hmm


I still don’t feel great from last night from not drinking that much…


So what, I want to die right now too… Bring your green hat!



So what, I want to die right now too… Bring your green hat!



Umm if thats some joke from last night I have no idea…

Im pulling a sherm :frowning: sorry guys, im sure someone else can pick up the slack on teh mini dirt bike though :tspry:

get over here!! quite a few peeps here already


me and joe are leaving around 630 to come