Two 10" MTX Boxed-In Subs with 350W Kenwood Amp with wi
All the wires Power(blue), Ground(red), Remote(green), and RC

These are my MTX subs. they pound like crazy! selling them because i need some money.Im asking for $300 OBO. im located in Mississauga area if you have any questions about them just send me an email: or post a msg!

sorry, first pics didnt work

^ lol i want them. i dont want the amp. anyone want to split?

I’d split. I’m interested in the amp. I’ve PM’ed the seller.

Is that a bandpass enclosure? Cause one side has the amp, and the otherside has the terminals. So i’m guessing it is?

Maybe is upside down??? Theres a port there, so maybe its ported??? :dunno:

Thread cleaned up. Keep it that way.

I’ve emailed the buyer with my offer for the amp.

so whats the word on the subs?

I haven’t gotten response from the buyer through PM or email about the amp yet.

hey sorry guys, i was wuite busy this week. i dont feel like parting out the amp and subs, sorry for the inconvience. but im willing to drop the price for everything to 250!

yeah theit a bandpass box. the subs are inside and the ports are for air to be released. if you guys wanna hear them before you buy them, just let me know!