Two random pics of the TDI

Lmfao Johnnnny

Nick has more vehicles than most car dealerships…

Those Monte’s were over 30 grand brand new back in the day. Even more for the white trash edition pictured above.



wow , i cant believe what im reading

i cant believe these were over 30 grand my dad 00 gtp was over 30k , anyone know anyone that actually paid sticker on these cars .

so what do i have to drive for you assholes to like it , an ugly jetta , a fuckin honda civic hatch , old audi ? wtf .

I keep real good care of my car and keep it looking nice and maintained and you guys dont respect that , or even think my car looks well put together ?

The way you present yourself and your vehicle is what’s causing most people to turn and look the other way.

The TDi has that touch of European elegance that simply cannot be matched by any GM vehicle short of a $50,000 Cadillac. I have both in my driveway, so take my opinion for what you will.

In retrospect, your Monte Carlo has about as much elegance and class as an outdoor hoedown after a rainstorm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Haha basically as sad as that is… Best post I’ve ever seen on shift… Your car is clean as hell…

haha , on the class.

Hahhahahaha your comparing a vw to a 50k cadillacs luxury??? Come on bro, glad to see you have one in your driveway but you sound retarded… In all honesty the only reason most people like the car is because it’s nicks and he’s the nicest kid in the world… Not to mention it’s his daily driver and he bought it cause he wanted something reliable with amazing mpg…

I have no idea what I am talking about, so I’ll just hound away at my keyboard in hopes of making these flashbacks from being beaten as a child for failing elementary school go away.

this nick kid is a good shit ? if so, i dont know him btw, lets drop the monte stuff then , this is his thread and we fucked up the kids thread.

Sorry bud .

How many times you gonna use the mirror you faggot… Coming from someone that would fucking knock
you back to elementary state of thinking…I would definately take the tdi hands down over the Monte Carlo… I’m talking about you comparing a vw luxury to a fucking cadillac… Hey the phaeton did well
for vw right??? Sick luxury car, they sold like 4 and built a mega million dollar factory… I had a jetta glx vr6, love vws but wouldn’t say luxurious…

So much hate, so little time.

Tdi over the Monte Carlo x 20 but Jesus it’s not a fucking bentley

The jetta styling is much better then that of a nascar edition monte carlo. That thing is not sporty looking and well I suppose a high 13second pass isnt bad it has nothing to do with looks at all. His “old audi” would stomp a mud hole in your monte and your fire bird if you are looking to compare trap speeds

is this kid good shit? yes he fucking is, you obviously don’t know much of anyone on here dude… just sayin… and you are obviously poor and stupid enough to afford your sick ass nastard edition monte… have fun

Lol at mark335.

I almost pee’d when I saw Mark’s photoshop