twomodidied4u flexes internetz muscles!!

Drama over, unsubscribed…

Dammit. WTF did I wake up late.

day late and a dollar short. but we can fight if u want cossey.

Pfft you think you’re sooo cool but you cant even see photobucket!

Ill burn… Bwahahahahah




Very gay ending. Did you two reach around and make up ro something? This has to be one of the worst Shift battle of all time.

This thread if full of fail

haha, yup.

yes actually, but i didnt finish :frowning:

See its all in the wrist. :gay Just takes more practice, some day you will get it.

i said i didnt finish, he did. duh!

stay out of this sully… or Il have to kick your ass

This thread makes my penis soft

I would hope so.

I would hope that two men fighting wouldnt give you a woody.

Thats racist

racist? How?
I never said they were black or white men.

Hate crimes

PJB is a racist!!!

sound the BAN alarm!

cossey get in here and ban jellies!