twomodidied4u flexes internetz muscles!!

wow this thread got real gay real fast

i know, i was hoping for an ongoing fight. :cry:

You want one? Im right here

i will push ur stool in so far shit will be coming out ur nose…wait…wat?


dats what i thought nigot!

hey was someone blowin the horn past your house last night?

yes i knew it was someone. thought sean was doing it. i had just layed down to go to sleep too. fags


You thought right, along with dan and me, going to get some quality toco bell. mmmmmhhhhhhhmmmmmm toco bell

i was waiting for some tire squeeling.

we wont disappoint next time

haha thanks! just make sure u start in fron of my house and end up accross my neighbors lawn. #26 please

ok #26 Gotcha

So Im a bit late here…
(DeadBeat: See its a cat for you.)

i got deadbeats back ,us 2 small fellas can handle 2modifiedcocks

that coupled with germanpsi’s size and we will be a force to be wreckon with!

My man speaks the truth

I will gladly lawn job your whole neighborhood