UFC - "kiss me and I'll punch you"


Don’t go kissing guys in the ring.

hahahha rocked


Haha, “I’m not gay, I’m not a homosexual,” haha.

What a pansy, the guy barely hit him and he hit the mat like, well, something that hits the ground hard. UFC fighter my ass.


Sorry…its not UFC. Its actually Pride. Whoopsie

the funniest part is hearing the announcers talk in all japanese, then you hear “homosexual” pop in there.

i envision the oriental version of joe rogan saying “right on the button” lol

funny part is he went from looking like this.

to this:


“AHHH, ‘Homosexuarall’, Hahaha”

rofl, he got knocked the fuck out.

Wonder if he does that to everyone or just liked that guy :lol:

I knew UFC was meant for homosexuals…

Guys in tights riding each other is hot. Kinda like that of a hot poker burning through your eyes is hot.