Ultimate track car boute

Continuing my assault and onslaught of off-topic threads tonight, I present TNC with the heavyweight champions of the ultimate track cars:

Aerial Atom vs Radical SR3


wowzerz that girl can drive…

ummmm the vid is 0sec long???

nice post… thing is tho it depends on her driving to deside on time dunno

:frowning: it didnt work for me

works for me :stuck_out_tongue:

nice vid, but her voice was starting to annoy me (might just be that its late right now)

Mac failure immenent, prepare to evacuate the building!

Not sure why… but it’s only on your end…:R

vid works for me :slight_smile:

and i wonder how the FXX compares…it only costs like 50x the price of those two :stuck_out_tongue:

i still love the atom come on its got v tak yo and i thought it was supercharged? i dont think they mention that

it worked today so shushh

i agree with refused…her voice is annoying…just like the girl from some show on discovery…dunno wat its called

it’s not her voice, it’s her banshee cry when she gets excited that i find annoying, like fingernails on a chalk board. But you can’t talk crap about her driving though…she’s a solid driver.

banshee cry lol

^Daily Planet?!?

LoL@ Banshee cry!