ill be there as long as the brain holds out.
its pooring in west seneca, but really clear where i live about 2miles away. makes lots of sense. As soon as i hit the cop station it started pooring yay!
Are these meets queer or are they OK. I need to get out of the house on occasion?
Southgate is alright.They have security gaurds to cut down on the ass clowning.
depends on which way the wind blows that day. Granted I haven’t been yet this season… although I need to get out too
hit the nail right on the head. depending on the weather i may be out tonight we’ll see
i may stop by…tell your faggot cousin to bring me thick cardboard model rockit body tubes!
it’s supposed to be clear for s&r and the rest of the night, ill be at both!
i’m bored as fuck, ill swing by
anyone heading up tonight?
Im wondering the same where is everyone going tonight
Im in, if other’s r. Hate talkin to myself in public.
mabe ill swing up
ill go. i’ll be rockin teh minivan. motor fell out of my car lol :fail: :picard:
What time is everyone heading out?
You wanna ride with me?
Ill come by at like 930 10ish
i usually dont leave til like 12-12:30 tho
my motor is being held in my a chunk of wood and a jack
ill be up with the tundra
atleast u can fit your jack under your car lol