
oh man that is a epic chop



Crazy stuff.

:lol: at that chop, epic.

Stop sucking up my profit sharing. Get back to work!

I KNEW you were going to do that at some point today lol

wonder if they have oil.

If so it’s time to start air dropping some diseased blankets. :wink:

lol yeah. I have no problem with hypocrisy apparently. :stuck_out_tongue:

really over a 100 that are still uncontacted… and i dont think anyone can just walk up to the camp and say HEYYYYY they will die im sure

OT is slower when you’re working.



Yeah. Been getting a lot of shit done lately. Finally pissed off enough people in the midwest to get the attention I need to finish a project. :tup:

man…they may think of the plane as a new “God”

Thats pretty sweet and

EPIC LULZ at the Pshop.

We should send them rednecks on bass boats

Not I. Nor do I subscribe to the “Noble Savage” philosophy. I will take my iPhone, BMW and Tylenol over having to watch over my shoulder for a Jaguar every time I go out to take a shit.


I’ve never laughed so fucking hard


great thread, will read again

L O FUCKING L at the p-shop of the wanna-be hotti gotti tribesman…kinda has a good ring to it…chief hottigotti

LOLOL. Man they must be pretty happy,calm ass people to live in a world where you have no clue about the many crisis’s the world faces every day

Simply stunning!
