Luckly had another GSR pump. LS pumps have a smaller pully and I didn’t have a smaller belt.
or u would of been up a creek, u would of had to go to japan and find a b- series motor and loosen the pump and snatch the belt and catch a flight back to albany international where i would have to pick you up and we’d have to go put the belt on and just barely make it to the lot on time, and u would miss work and and and and …thank god you had the GSR pump layin around
J/k rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl
Holy shit. Sounds like a bad movie.
i know right, THANK GOD for spare GSR parts, fewwwwwwwwww banana:banana:banana:banana:banana:banana:banana:banana:banana:banana:banana:banana:banana:banana:banana
Dietzel if you post another banana I am going to do a burnout on the Cavalier’s hood with the Husky…
you have been FORMALLY WARNED about the bananas. KNOCK IT OFF.
lol i farted on ur car on saturday
got new floor pan today . laid it in there shut door went home.
only ONE banana @ a time chris ^ that is unacceptable
lets stay on topic shall we. dont worry about what he does.
ya but ur worried about what i do, i think this is favoritism
no this is russia and what you think carries no weight:vlad
front mount intakes FTL
^ What he said.
my innerfooler>>>your front mount intake
That shit was funny as hell. Everyone thought you were serious.